Sunday, May 23, 2010

No Derek, no problem!

This update is actually at least a month later than the pictures of the previous post. We've planted numerous beans including Dragon Tongue, Speckled Cranberry, and Burpee's Stringless, soybeans, snow peas, peppers, tomatoes, tomatillos, ground cherries, dill, and some other things that we planted directly with seed so we shall see if they actually germinate. Here's what it's looking like:
This last picture is the potatoes, beets, carrots, turnips, and rhubarb. The rhubarb won't be ready until next season. The beets and turnips are coing along. The beets bodies are about dime sized. The potatoes are getting enormous!

Here are some zucchini seedlings:

Here is sean and darlene harvesting lettuce, spinach, and swiss chard.

Chicken update:
They are getting much much bigger. Here are some shots of them in the large pen.

We are going to be using chicken tractors so we can have them clear the area in the orchard so we don't have to mow. Here's the first chicken tractor.

Here is a close up of the chickens. They look really cool!

The most satisfying feeling: HARVEST!
Here is what we brought home as our first harvest. The bag of lettuce must be at least 3 pounds worth.

Washed and packed so that it'll last the week.

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