Monday, April 22, 2013


Last time I made gnocchi they failed miserably. They were little brick nuggets. So I have been on a quest to make a fluffy and light gnocchi.

Here are the secrets I learned:

  • Bake the potatoes
  • Rice the potatoes
  • Allow to cool before adding flour
  • Use type 00 flour (super fine italian flour)
They turned out fluffy and best part are they are traditionally vegan. Here's the link I used.

little seedlings

Here's the update on the indoor seedling under the grow light:

I've started: tomatoes (so many varieties), peppers (hot & sweet), herbs (basil, cilantro, rosemary, oregano, thyme), shallots, kale, broccoli, tomatillos, and ground cherries. So far so good! They loved the transfer from the seed starting soil to the garden mix.

Pro tip: Solo cups with a hole poked in the bottom work great as a seedling container.

fingers so cold

This past friday I was ambitious and decided to plant peas, beets, spinach, and radishes. It was so cold my fingers were frozen from moving the soil around.

Beds are prepped!

So I finally was able to get my hands on some cotton burr compost. I'm stoked since I've heard nothing but great things. Here's the bag:
 Here's the beds topped off with the compost and the grids in place. We'll see how square foot gardening goes this year...